The Beginning; Who, Why, What and Ouch

This story is a cautionary tale that will be broken into parts, it has not ended, but I fear the ending will be the end of my fragile family.  WHO would  want to destroy a young family yu'd ask. A gang of street toughs battling for territory???   Nazi's  you may answer tearing the youngest son away from a loving family. You'd be close a government entity yes but an ilk much like the Nazis that have been allowed to shred families, trample on our civil rights, and take our children away from us through legalized kidnapping.  They are Cunning Pieces of Shit. if you guessed CPS you are correct.  They go by DHPS now, apples and oranges really, 

  No Accountability, no rules, no morals, they are a hungry machine that devours families just to shit out money the federal government will give them in the form of bonuses for "saving" these children.  They will not be detered by anything short of a lawyer and you better call them as soon as these pyriahs make the scene and start their threats.  Kiss that rainy day fund good bye the lawyers will eat that up.  I paid one $500 just for an hour of his time unbeknownst to me we'll call him Mr Granite,his advice, "If you have $15,000 I can start on your case" Honkey i've never even seen 15 large in one spot, get the fuck outta here.

The bottom line is my son is gone its been 10 months since ime and my now estranged wife have seen him.  The attorneys say just go with it and do what they say. If I had committed a crime I most certainly would. Pay a fine, do a nick in the joint, but thats the kick in the  Gnads. NO CRIME WAS EVER COMMITTED.  NO ABUSE, NO INJURY. Just CPS lust to get me and me wife in their SERVICES.  I use to think this was a good word but beware young mothers and fathers if someone from the government shows up at your home telling you that they're there to help and mentions SERVICES, slam that Fuckin Door in their bloody face and Lawyer up.  Cause the only helping they're doing is lining theyre wallet at the exspense of you and yours.

The times gotten away from me and sleep does'nt come easy without my son near. So i've got to catch her when I can. 5 am comes fast.  I hope i've peaked your interest and you'll stay tuned to more of story tomorrow
